Universal Energetics is designed to answer questions for those who know there is more to this world. Increase your knowledge, awareness and confidence to make a greater impact for people you work with, and for your community.

Raise your professional skills and ethical abilities to holistically work with clients, staff, colleagues, family and friends. Connect and learn together with people who are part of creating change.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, influencer, activist, teacher, or in a leadership position in business. A creative working in arts, fashion, design, photography, film, music, and media. A health practitioner including naturopaths, integrative doctors, bodywork therapists, yoga teachers, surgeons, and nurses. Parents and care takers.

You will walk away with more confidence to hold meditations, more equipped to observe and work with energetics, increased communication skills, bodywork techniques, advanced energetics of oils, plants and elements, light techniques, DNA and ancestral contracts and much much more.  

Emerge confident and embodied, with a deeply realised sense of self, more connected to the land, ancestors, Earth and stars.

"Include a testimonial sharing why your students love your content."

- Jane Doe

Hi, I’m Sarah Baiada

I am the founder of Universal Energetics, training for practitioners in energetic lore and sovereignty, and the founder of Rosa Temple, intuitive tools and products for initiations and connection to self.

Originally from Sydney and now based in the hills outside Byron Bay.

I have 16 years experience in the natural health industry, with over 20,000 hours with clients. Supporting people in their self-exploration journey and physical, mental, emotional and soul health.

I am a specialised intuitive remedial massage therapist, nutritionist, and meditation facilitator. I run mentorships, workshops, online programs, live activation events, retreats and national tours.